Sunday, March 25, 2012


It is mean Gathering Day xD

We should be dinner at Guo Fu Xing, But i drove and drove the car .. I can't EVEN FIND WHERE IS THE SHOP !!!!! I GOT FED UP AND THEN I CALL NANA IMMEDIATELY !!!! AND... We decided to eat at Uncle Jang , Picture :-



Just few picture cause im so damn hungry ... We chat chat chat about life... money ... man ... super herous ?? lollol

I was so full and the others were same. But.. not enough leh .. Lets go have a drink <3

Nana drive us to Chatime @ Bandar Puteri , I love that place, seats are comfortable and service are good. I order Passion Fruit Drink . It was soooooooo nice! But a bit too sweet for me. Pictures again :)

 #4 I look retarded ...
#8  End with this lolollll 

Wao, Fantastic Baby <3
T.O.P ...
Bitch Please ! He is too hot to handle..
Boom, Sha ga la ga FEVER !!!!

That's all for this blog entry.  
Good tight Readers 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New phone

Ta-Dah !
My new Iphone4s >3
Its white color (32g)
I love it so much so I bought it from Digi (iDigi 55 Plan)
Check it out the plan .....
Well, I just have to pay 100 plus monthly (24months).
Free text , calls , MMs , however its only 1GB internet quota. But there is no shocking BILL every month you receive the payment bill. Because the internet goes slower after 1GB but will not cost you after monthly quota. Btw, Digi user can call other network without costing a penny.

I was so scare if my phone get dirty or what (new phone what)
so I bought a case from somewhere and its just cost me RM10

Not very special, but simple and nice.

Check out some cool iPhone4s Case :-



I kind of like her and she is quite useful. She help me on setting reminder or texting somebody and so on.

That's all for this blog entry.